Package Overview
As an employer you must ensure workers are adequately trained. BVS Canada currently offer WHMIS 2015 train at your work site.
WHMIS 2015
In Canada, if a workplace uses hazardous products, there must be a WHMIS program in place. Workers must be educated and trained so they understand the hazards, and know how to work safely with hazardous products.
All workers who work with a hazardous product, or who may be exposed to a hazardous product as part of their work activities must learn about the hazard information for these products. The hazard information should include the information received from the supplier, as well as any other information that the employer is aware of about the use, storage and handling of each product.
We provide education on WHMIS system and training for site specific hazardous products, for employers who may not have the available internal resources to carry out the training in house, or to those want to bring in an independent company to support H&S culture change and reinforce the importance of compliance.
Why Is WHMIS 2015 Training Required?
Under OHS Act as an employer it is your responsibility to ensure workers are properly trained. You must make sure workers are appropriately trained in work practices and procedures, how to safely use equipment and how to select and use personal protective equipment that they require. It is up to you to make sure workers have the skills and training to do their jobs safely.
According to the OHS Act, to “train” means to give information and explanation to worker with respect to a particular subject-matter and to require a practical demonstration that the worker has acquired knowledge or skill related to the subject-matter.
Package Includes
WHMIS 2015 Generic Education
Site-Specific Training to cover hazardous products used on your work sites
Competency Assessments
Training Certification